Edwina Collins is here and she's ready! Boy is she ever ready! Click on to read the whole thing and see what the newest addition to the X-script line up has to offer!
It’s five in the morning,
and Edwina is dreaming of blueberries.
Six in the morning
The Local Library
A nervous looking young man
named Gary is standing out the back staring at the staff only door
He straightens up his jacket
for the tenth time
Suddenly the door flies open
and two arms reach out and grab Gary by his collar, dragging him in to the
The two arms belong to
Miranda, a red haired woman in a suit, and right now she’s looking really
Miranda: Gary, I presume
Gary: yes!
Miranda: welcome. You’re our new
library monkey
Gary: I thought the job was
called librarian assistant
Miranda: same thing. No one’s going
to choose to become something called a “library monkey”. And now we’re walking
Miranda walks off quickly
with Gary in tow
Gary: so I have some forms…?
No. No. No. I HAVE FORMS. I have forms coming out of my arse and they are not
going to sign themselves
Gary: um…I can help out with them
Miranda: you’re a library monkey.
You most certainly cannot!
Gary: oh
Miranda: only one person is allowed
to officially sign them and that is head librarian, Edwina who is never here on
time, never paying attention and never there when you need her!
Gary: a bit of a slacker, eh?
Miranda: don’t you DARE talk about
your new boss like that! You are a library monkey and she is the member of the
team who has been here the longest and she is possibly my oldest friend!
Gary: okay…well…if you need
her…why don’t you call her?
Miranda gives Gary a dry
Miranda: there’s something you need
to know about Eddy…and her…quirks…
Gary: what?
Miranda: what was that?
Gary: what?
Miranda: the cynical “what” that
just came out of your mouth. You don’t believe she has quirks?
Gary: I do!
Miranda: you want to see what
happens when I call her?
Miranda pulls out her phone,
dials Eddy’s number and puts it on speaker phone
Miranda: I DON’T CARE! We have a
book signing today amongst the rest of the absurd crap we have to get done
Eddy: I don’t think you understand!
I. Have. No. Blueberries.
Miranda: no I don’t think you
understand! I. Have. No. Head. LIBRARIAN!
Eddy: Miranda…you know how this
Miranda: no…I know how you THINK it
works. But I’m sure that it does not!
Eddy: how can you be a skeptic?
Miranda: so easily
Eddy: step one – I go to sleep
Miranda: oh lord…not this again
Eddy: step two – I have a dream
Miranda: stop it
Eddy: step three – in the dream
there is always a specific item
Miranda: UGH!
Eddy: step four – I wake up, find
the item and put it in my bag
Miranda and Eddy: (in unison) and step five –
sometime throughout the day that item saves our lives
Eddy: blueberries! I dreamt about
blueberries last night!
Miranda: that doesn’t mean anything!
Eddy: what about the time I
packed dog biscuits and despite neither of us having a dog?
Miranda: coincidence!
Eddy: that dog attacked us and we
used the dog biscuits to escape that crazy dog when it attacked us!
Miranda: the dog attacked us BECAUSE
of the biscuits!
Eddy: that bottle of bleach we
used to clean up the vomit the kid left in the foyer?
Miranda: he threw up because he
smelt the cheap chemicals!
Eddy: the cigarette lighter!
Miranda: nothing happened. You
didn’t take it
Eddy: exactly! And when those two
men asked us for a light we couldn’t help them!
Miranda: so?
Eddy: so? They were male models!
They could have given us their numbers and we could have dated male models!
Miranda: that is bull
Eddy: page four in today’s paper!
Miranda rolls her eyes while
opening today’s paper
Miranda mouths the words “so
damn hot” as she looks at the two models
Miranda: GET TO WORK!
Eddy: need to find blueberries
Eddy hangs up
Miranda: ARGH!
Gary: um…
Miranda: what?
Gary: I know a fruit stand
nearby. I could get her some blueberries
Miranda: yeah…but it will still take
her an hour to get here by train
Gary: I could pick her up on my
Miranda: marry me, Gordon
Gary: my name is Gary
Miranda: moment is over! Go get her!
Gary: uh…okay…
Miranda: NOW!
Miranda hands Gary a piece
of paper with Eddy’s address and he runs out
Gary pulls up to a fruit
stand attended by an attractive young woman
Woman: wow
Gary: you like the bike?
Woman: I’m amazed you stopped. I
see you pass by every morning
Gary: oh…uh…sorry
Woman: why are you apologizing?
Gary: I have no idea
Woman: what can I do for you
Gary: blueberries
Woman: what would you say if I
said I had only one punnet remaining
Gary: I would say “woohoo”,
“thank you” and “I love you”, not necessarily in that order
Woman: I was kind of saving
them…so…you owe me
Gary: damn right I do!
The woman writes a number on
a card and puts it in a plastic bag with the blueberries
Woman: my name is Catherine
Gary: my name’s Gary. Nice to
meet you
Catherine: see you around?
Gary: count on it
Eddy’s apartment building
Gary pulls up, and rushes up
the stairs
He knocks on Eddy’s door
Eddy opens it
Eddy: uh…
Gary: hi
Eddy: are those blueberries
Gary: yes they are…my face is up
Eddy: hi! I’m Edwina Collins!
Gary: I’m Gary. Your new employee
Eddy: amazing first impression.
I’m sure you’ll last longer than my last library monkey
Gary laughs nervously
Eddy and Gary rush in to the
Miranda: Gary…I want to bear your
Gary: um…okay…
Miranda: don’t get ideas…I’m just
happy you got Eddy here…and it’s been so long since I was with a man that I
would pretty much bear anyone’s children
Gary: oh
Eddy: so today we’ve got a writer
coming in to sign books
Gary: who?
Miranda: Jon Skylark – he writes
some comic book called “Gloveman”
Gary: cool. Is he here yet?
Miranda: he was supposed to be but…!
Jon Skylark walks in
Jon: sorry I’m late! Hope I
didn’t keep you waiting!
Eddy: not at all!
Miranda glares at Eddy
Eddy offers Jon a blueberry
Jon: um…no thanks
Eddy: rats
Miranda: come this way to the table
we’ve set up for you
Miranda leads Jon away
Gary: (to Eddy) you really
believe you see the future?
Eddy: no…but this hasn’t steered
my wrong yet and I don’t like to mess with things I don’t understand
Gary: what’s the weirdest item
you had to pack?
Eddy: a broadsword
Gary: what?
Eddy: come on! We need to set up!
Eddy walks off
Gary: man I want to hear that
A line forms for the signing
Eddy is offering blueberries
to everyone
No one is accepting
Most people think that it’s
That’s why Miranda drags
Eddy away
Miranda: you are creeping people out
Eddy: only a bit
Miranda: I can’t believe you’re the
boss sometimes…did you even fill out the paper work?
Eddy: as much as I could
Miranda: what’s that mean?
Eddy: it means all our pens are
out of ink
Miranda: because you didn’t fill out
the order for new stationary
Eddy: ugh…how is this going to
get worse?
A fan steps forward to get
their comics signed
Jon: who do I make it out to?
Fan: you don’t remember me?
Jon: uh…
Fan: we met at a comic
Jon: I have been to lots of
Fan: six years ago! Remember?
Jon: Um…
Fan: I said “hey I loved you
work on Gloveman: Year One” and you said “cool, thanks man”
Jon: oh…okay…
Pause while Jon signs
Fan: can I touch your face?
Jon: pardon?
Fan: can I touch your face?
Jon: uh…no…
Gary: okay buddy…maybe you should
Fan: back off “buddy”! This is
between me and this genius of a writer
Jon: I don’t feel comfortable
with you touching my face
Fan: oh…okay
Awkward pause
The fan leaps across the
table and grabs Jon
Tense silence
Eddy: um…blueberry anyone?
Gary leaps over, pulls Jon
away from the fan and punches the fan in the face
The fan falls to the ground
Gary lifts the fan up by the
collar and raises his fist
Miranda: whoa…
Gary calms himself, counts
down from five under his breath and then lets the fan go
Gary: get out of here
The fan scampers away
Miranda: (to Eddy) I don’t know
about you…but I like him
Eddy: agreed
Jon: thanks again, Gary
Gary: not a problem
Jon leaves
Gary: is every day like this?
Miranda: every day is weird
Gary: so…um…no use for the
Miranda: YES! VICTORY! Maybe you’ll
be on time for work tomorrow!
Eddy: the day isn’t over
Gary: well…for me it is so I’m
Miranda: good work today, Gary
Gary: oh! Before I do go…can you
sign this form?
Eddy: sure
Gary hands Eddy a form
Miranda: does that say Community
Gary: yeah…I need to show it to
the officer in charge of my case to show I’m completing my hours
Awkward pause as Miranda and
Eddy glance at each other
Gary: uh…you…you knew this before
hand, right?
Miranda: of course!
Eddy: yeah! I have all your paper
Gary: great! So…can you just sign
me off?
Miranda: um…no pens, remember?
Gary: uh…I kind of need this
done, so…
Eddy: I’ve got it!
Eddy rushes off to the
kitchenette and comes back with an empty pen, a cup and some paper
Eddy pulps the blueberries
in the cup then dips the pen in to the juices to write on the paper
Eddy: see! Pass me the form!
Gary passes Eddy the form
Eddy signs
Eddy: tada!
Gary: well I’m convinced
Miranda: not another one
Gary: well thanks guys. I’ll see you
Gary leaves
Eddy: what do you think he did?
Miranda: I don’t know…but did you
see him handling that insane fan?
Eddy: yeah
Miranda: what if he’s a violent
Eddy: I don’t think violent
psychopaths get off with community service…
Miranda: didn’t you get sent his
paper work?
Eddy and Miranda walk in to
Eddy’s office where there are piles and piles of paper work
Eddy: our answer is somewhere in
Miranda: there’s a lot of sorting to
Eddy: yep…
They grab their things ready
to go home
Miranda: you actually believe you
were right about the blueberries…
Eddy: ye of little faith
Miranda: okay…psychic…why did you
dream about blueberries and not just a pen?
Eddy: if we had another pen, I
would have just used it up earlier with more forms. Maybe there were forms that
weren’t supposed to be sent today…maybe a reason neither of us will ever know
Gary pulls up to the fruit
stand where Catherine is packing up
Gary: hey! You got plans?
now you’ve read it! Let me know what you think!
lol, Nice start to a new series. Well done.